SE Lab - Dialogues with Ethnic Minorities @ Yau Tsim Mong

October 31, 2020
2:00 pm
5:30 pm
Eaton House, 1/F, 380 Nathan Road, Jordan
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What defines a 'Hong Kong-er'? Does it refer to a certain race or skin tone? Or does it simply imply those who love Hong Kong? Whilst there is no definite answer to this question, the only way to explore the meaning of our identity and preserve the uniqueness of Hong Kong as a multicultural global city is to understand the bits and pieces of our society proactively. As we start to empathise with one another, however, have we ever prejudged minorities before understanding their culture thoroughly? Have we excluded them from our circles just because of their races?

Dialogues with Ethnic Minorities @ Yau Tsim Mong opened with a moderated Panel Discussion with 6 renowned cross-sector thought-leaders who have shared their insights into the typical lives and challenges of Hong Kong ethnic minorities, and explored different opportunities to promote multicultural inclusion in our communities. It was then followed by"Unusual Conversations”, where the speakers, participants, and ethnic minority guests from the local community  got together in breakout groups to have purposeful and close dialogues. These conversations have brough together people from different walks of life for insightful discussions on the following topics about Hong Kong's ethnic minorities, including "Inclusive Education & Career", "Community Participation", "Women & Girls", and "Elderly Care".

Event Details:

Date: 31 October 2020 (Saturday)

Time: 14:00 - 17:30

Venue: Eaton House, 1/F, 380 Nathan Road, Jordan

Language: English & Cantonese

Suitable For: Public who are interested in ethnic minorities and social inclusion

Entry: Free

Event Programme:

Part 1 - Panel Discussion:

How might we build multicultural and inclusive communities through social innovation?


Mr Warren LUK  |  Chair, SES @ Yau Tsim Mong | CEO, Good Lab

Panel Speakers:

Mr Jeffrey ANDREWS  |  Registered HK-Indian Social Worker, Christian Action

Ms Karrie CHAN  |  Deputy Director (Elderly, Rehabilitation & Community), Hong Kong Christian Services

Prof Puja KAPAI  |  Associate Professor of Law, University of Hong Kong

Ms Shalini MAHTANI  |  Founder & CEO, The Zubin Foundation

Mr Tommy TANG  |  Manager, Social Service Department, Christian Action

Dr Rizwan ULLAH  |  Member, Equal Opportunities Commission & Youth Development Commission, HKSARG

Part 2 - Unusual Conversations (Breakout Discussions)

After the Panel Discussion, participants were invited to join one of the following four breakout discussion groups. The specific discussion topic for each breakout discussion group and their respective speakers are listed below:

Group 1: Inclusive Education & Career

How might we establish culturally inclusive learning environments and career opportunities to bolster the upward mobility of ethnic minorities?

- Prof Puja KAPAI x Dr Rizwan ULLAH

Group 2: Community Participation

How might we empower and support ethnic minorities to participate in communities?

- Mr Jeffrey ANDREWS x Mr Tommy TANG

Group 3: Women & Girls

How might we support ethnic minority women and girls to build and pursue their dreams?

- Ms Shalini MAHTANI

Group 4: Elderly Care

How might we take care of ethnic minority elderly's needs for public healthcare services and social welfare?

- Ms Karrie CHAN x Mrs Rebecca CHOY YUNG

Venue Support: Eaton HK